Our mission: To establish new pathways for asking the right questions and to build a culture of connected, unburdened living.

Our vision: A connected world that embraces the vulnerability of our reality beyond the illusions of separation created by our minds — one that is present to the immense potential awaiting us to recognize it.

To tap into it, Reality Check Institute offers a collection of thought-provoking literature, a weekly newsletter, and an all-encompassing platform that's a home for every resource we offer.


What is Reality Check?

In the face of a very uncertain world full of ambiguity and distractions from every angle, what becomes most important is “How do we know what matters most to tackle?”

The 21st century is filled with significant technological advancement, yet when it came to responding to the challenges the pandemic presented, we struggled. From the smallest problems, which feel minute in retrospect, to the grandeur of dilemmas as climate change, which feel overwhelming and complex, we believe it all comes down to the questions we ask.

Asking the right questions is paying attention. If we can see it, then we can ask about it. Thus, to pay attention, we need to be focused. To be focused, we need to be present. To be present, we need to be in the moment. And to be in the moment, we need to be prepared.

So how do we get better at asking the right questions? What founder, Carlo Mahfouz, proposes as one of the answers is to have more reality check moments and be in the now. Those moments create the clarity we need for the right questions to surface, they are the preparation.

From within that lens, Reality Check Institute was born to guide you to be in the moment to be served the right questions when you need them.

You will encounter three key themes to help you vanish in the moment.

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    Stranded without recognizing and understanding who we are, we will struggle to be present. Shed your self to find yourself.

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    We are destined to help and influence each other. Explore how to listen to better connect and be of service.

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    The engine behind creativity and forward progress. Uncover the true dimensions of what innovation is and how to approach it.

Our Promise

Reality Check Institute is as a space for conscious minds where you will not find answers but questions, no telling but showing, and most of all, no step-by-step manuals because the essence of learning is the discovery itself, not merely following a scripted path.

We believe no one’s context maps to another. Thus, our approach is different. You will be nudged to read between the lines rather than focusing on the actual words.

From compelling prose and striking poetry to concise mini-courses and in-depth thought exercises, the narratives offered here might be intensely personal or could wander in a dream of words, but regardless of their nature, they remain raw, unfiltered, and honest.

That’s our promise — an experience that is as genuine as it is transformative.

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the presencepulse

Go from attempting to own the moment to fully living in it.

Every Sunday morning, you'll get 1 guiding story to recognize, understand, and accept the power of your presence in less than 4 minutes.

The Culture of WHY & the Rise of AI

Embark on a Journey That Redefines the Human-AI Narrative

Exclusive Benefits for Community Members include early access to content, monthly behind-the-scenes updates, direct influence, recognition and more.

Dive Deeper with Reality Check Book

Escape the endless whirlwind of distractions to be more focused!

Packed with self-empowerment tools and tactics, Reality Check will teach you how to view problems with new eyes, honing your attention and identifying possibilities.

Reality Check Book Cover